Monday, March 27, 2006

In my last entry I mentioned how things are different here. Of course there are going to be many differences when you move from the suburbs of a large metropolitan city (the "township" I lived in had over 95,000 people) to the country (where the closest town has under 4,000. The school where my kids go has a maximum of 300 kids and that's Jr. High and High School combined, between the 2 little towns that make up the school district there are less than 1000 people)

There are a few things that stand out in my mind and I wanted to share them. Even though I only moved(to Ohio) 2 hours South of where I grew up and lived most of my life(Michigan), there are many little things here that are strange to me in a quirky kind of way. For instance...everyone around here calls a vacuum and the act of vacuuming..."sweeper" or "sweeping"...funny I thought a sweeper was someone that was using a broom ;op Another thing is the exhaust fan in the bathroom is called a "sucker" by the locals. I guess because it sucks the stink or the steam out of the Lunch is referred to as "Dinner" here and Dinner is "Supper"...that took some getting used to. One more thing that comes to mind that isn't terribly different but I've noticed it none the less. Report cards here are called "grade cards". I've also noticed that since we are in the "bible belt" there aren't a lot of people who curse so that's something I have to try and eliminate...unfortunately I cuss like a sailor most of the time...not usually in public but I tend to be myself around Raven's teenage friends. They all seem to be good kids and I don't want to corrupt them with my foul mouth so I'm working on it :)

That's all for now.


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